Home SCIENCE Mirror-Polished Japanese Foil Ball Challenge Crushed in a Hydraulic Press

Mirror-Polished Japanese Foil Ball Challenge Crushed in a Hydraulic Press


In this video I make a Japanese polished foil ball by using aluminum foil and pounding with a hammer and then polishing until it becomes a solid metal polished ball!I use a aluminum foil and hammer them down to create this dense aluminum ball.

source/image: The Action Lab

I polished these Japanese foil balls using sandpaper until it becomes a solid metal polished ball, then I polish it using metal polishing liquid.

These polished foil balls started with a Japanese jeweler who made one that appeared to have no purpose, but the nation became obsessed with it and everyone started making them!


You can see what’s inside an aluminum foil ball when I crush it in my hydraulic press and see if the density increases or not.
