Home Technology A 15kW Vortex Turbine Micro Hydro Power Plant

A 15kW Vortex Turbine Micro Hydro Power Plant


Turbulent’s micro hydropower plants are the most resilient and profitable source of renewable energy. In this video we want to show the 15kW vortex turbine of Donihue, Chile, with more details.This turbine is operating with a head of 1.7m and a flow of 1.8m3/s. In the outflow you will see that there’s head left.

source/image: Turbulent Hydro

That’s because our customer wants to expand to 2 turbines in series in the future (modular components allow him to do that). As you can see the turbine is covered with a grid to keep larger debris and children from falling into the turbine.

There’s also a trash rack in front of the inlet that keeps all debris with a diameter above 10cm out of the turbine basin. The core of this unit was assembled in our factory and then transported in one piece to the installation site.


Over there it was a matter of lowering the turbine into the concrete outflow pit and connecting all electrical wires. No expertise required at that point. The concrete structures were build in advance in about 3 weeks as this was our first turbine. We are currently working on a prefabricated design that should be installed in under a week.
