The Cessna A-37 Dragonfly, or Super Tweet, is a light attack aircraft designed and produced by the American aircraft manufacturer Cessna. It was developed during the Vietnam War in response to military interest in new counter-insurgency (COIN) aircraft to replace aging types such as the Douglas A-1 Skyraider.
source.image: Found And Explained
As to account for the drastic increase in airframe weight along with the need to a significant payload as well, Cessna opted to double the aircraft’s engine power by replacing its twin Continental J-69 engines with General Electric J85-J2/5 turbojet engines, each capable of generating up to 2,400 lbf of thrust.
The A-37A had a gross takeoff weight of 5,400 kg, of which 1,200 kg was ordnance. It was a relatively uncomplex aircraft, avoiding any advanced weapon systems or the need for a complex training program to operate.
The A-37A retained the dual controls of its T-37B ancestor, allowing it to be used as an operational trainer. In combat “forward air control (FAC)” operations, the second seat was occupied by an observer. Only a single crewman normally flew in the aircraft for close support missions, which permitted a slight increase in ordnance.