Home SCIENCE 7.5 kW Prototype Poncelet Waterwheel With Maximum Power At 50 RPM

7.5 kW Prototype Poncelet Waterwheel With Maximum Power At 50 RPM


The initial testing of the elevation control hydraulics of our 7.5 kW prototype Poncelet waterwheel. The wheel is 3 meters in diameter, and 1 meter wide.//Nering Industries

source/image: Nering Industries

It employs a 5:1 speed increasing belt drive.The PM generator produces maximum power at 50 RPM.Many remote 1st nations villages are powered by noisy and polluting diesel power generators.

This water wheel technology could replace the diesels with a source of green power that is available 24/7. Small scale hydropower is one of the renewable energy source of energy which has vast potential.


Hydrokinetic turbines are suitable to tap this potential and the technology is recent which produces electricity from flowing water. Hydrokinetic turbines are more suitable to convert kinetic energy in the river and marine current.
