Home WORLD Air Car A Flying Car Powered By Four Rolls-Royce Jet Engines

Air Car A Flying Car Powered By Four Rolls-Royce Jet Engines


Lazzarini Design unveils The Air Car, a flying car powered by four Rolls-Royce jet engines that can rotate when necessary for maneuverability and takeoff or landing.Measuring 6 meters in length, the air car is a flying car concept.The ultra light carbon monocoque incorporates four rotatable Rolls-Royce jet engines.

source/image(PrtSc): Lazzarini Design

Each jet engine can independently adjust the inclination and rotation of itself, guaranteeing stability and a high maneuverability in turning.Due to the inclination/rotation of the jet engines (4×4 system) the air car maneuver on variable heights and inclines his trim depending on the cruising speed needs.

The vehicle can accommodate 1 pilot and 3 passengers with an estimated top speed of 750 Km/h for an estimated autonomy of 1200 kilometers (jet fuel).The rotation of the jet engines in a 4×4 configuration the air means that it can operate at variable heights and inclines depending on the cruising speed.


It can achieve an estimated top speed of 466 miles per hour and has a range of 745 miles running on jet fuel. Unfortunately, there’s no indication that The Air Car has retractable wheels for operation on normal roads.
