Home WORLD AirFish Wing-In-Ground Effect Craft

AirFish Wing-In-Ground Effect Craft


The AirFish family of Wing-in-Ground (WIG) craft redefines maritime transport by enabling safe, sustainable and swift coastal travel and logistics. AirFish 8 is a Type A-class wing-in-ground (WIG) marine craft developed by Wigetworks. The power-plant enables the marine craft to attain a maximum speed of 106k and a cruise speed of 80k, travelling at up to 7m above sea level.

source.iamge: ST Engineering

Utilising aerodynamic forces and air pressure generated between itself and a water surface, AirFish WIG craft are able to fly at thrice the speed of existing marine craft. This brings about significant reduction in time savings and convenience for maritime public transport, luxury travel, delivery of parapublic services as well as potential military applications.

The main fuselage of the AirFish 8 is similar to that of conventional aircraft. The crew section is positioned in the front while the passenger and baggage compartments are located in the middle and rear respectively. AirFish 8 has an overall length of 17.2m, height of 3.5m and wingspan of 15m.


It has a low waterborne draught of 0.55m, which enables operations and berthing in shallow waters close to the shoreline with minimal support or infrastructure. has a 360kg baggage capacity. The cabin is 4m-long and 1.4m-wide and can be installed with a six or eight-seat layout according to customer specification. AirFish 8 is powered by a pair of General Motors LS3 V8 engines burning unleaded gasoline. Each engine has a maximum power output of 500hp, coupled to a four-bladed reversible variable pitch propeller.

    Wing-in-Ground effect stability
    Immediate landing on sea
    Lower fuel consumption per nautical mile
    Higher payload capacity per nautical mile
    Unique aerodynamic design
    Efficient flight dynamics from Wing-in-Ground effect
    Requires no runway
    Very low set up cost