Home ENGINEERING Amphibious Hydrogen-Electric Aircraft PHA-ZE 100

Amphibious Hydrogen-Electric Aircraft PHA-ZE 100


The PHA-ZE 100 by Jekta Switzerland-based company, is a regional amphibious aircraft that generates zero emissions at source. Amphibious aircraft developer JEKTA and hydrogen fuel-cell producer ZeroAvia have partnered to create a fuel-cell version of the PHA-ZE 100 electric seaplane, with a range of up to 370 miles.

source.image: jekta

In service that means the lowest cost per passenger possible and minimal supporting infrastructure requirements. The team behind the PHA-ZE 100 has already developed traditional two and eight-seater amphibious airframes.

source.image: jekta

By using ZeroAvia’s fuel cell PGS, the PHA-ZE 100 is expected to achieve a range of up to 500 or 600 km and increase its payload by up to one tonne. This will provide the airframe with even greater capabilities.


ZeroAvia is already flying a prototype of its entire hydrogen-electric powertrain (ZA600) in a 19-seat testbed aircraft. It has developed a range of flexible low-temperature proton exchange membrane (LTPEM) PGS solutions and novel high-temperature PEM (HTPEM) fuel cells for hydrogen-electric aerospace applications.

source.image: jekta

Powered by ZeroAvia’s fuel cell PGS, it is anticipated the PHA-ZE 100 will achieve a range of up to 500 km or 600 km and increase the payload by up to 1 ton, adding even more capability to the airframe. Operating and maintenance costs can also be lowered with a H2 fuel system supporting a life of up to 20,000 hours.
