Home ENGINEERING Car’s Starter Motor What Cars Have a Starter Motor

Car’s Starter Motor What Cars Have a Starter Motor


A starter is a device used to rotate (crank) an internal-combustion engine so as to initiate the engine’s operation under its own power. Internal combustion engines are feedback systems, which, once started, rely on the inertia from each cycle to initiate the next cycle.

source/image(PrtSc): The Engineering Mindset

In this video, we’re going to learn about cars and their starter motors. We’ll explore the purpose of a starter motor and learn why cars have them. This is a basic video about cars and their starter motors

The electric starter motor or cranking motor is the most common type used on gasoline engines and small diesel engines. The modern starter motor is either a permanent-magnet or a series-parallel wound direct current electric motor with a starter solenoid (similar to a relay) mounted on it.


When DC power from the starting battery is applied to the solenoid, usually through a key-operated switch (the “ignition switch”), the solenoid engages a lever that pushes out the drive pinion on the starter driveshaft and meshes the pinion with the starter ring gear on the flywheel of the engine.//
