Home WORLD Cavorite Hybrid-Electric VTOL

Cavorite Hybrid-Electric VTOL


Witness the engineering of Horizon Aircraft’s unique design as we reveal the capabilities behind its seamless transitions and efficient flight capabilities.

source.image: Horizon Aircraft

This revolutionary aircraft combines vertical takeoff and fast, efficient forward flight. Horizon Aircraft’s Cavorite eVTOL hybrid-Electric Vertical Take-off and Landing is poised to redefine regional air mobility, offering a more sustainable, faster, and flexible mode of transportation.

Th interior of the Cavorite X5 is also impressive. At the head of the cabin is a single pilot seat, with two rows of two passenger seats behind it. These seats can also be removed if you need more cabin space. This is a large-scale aircraft, with a 22-foot wingspan, over 15 feet in length.


The Cavorite X5 promises a range of 500 km and a top speed of 450 kph. It’s a five-seat design four passengers plus the pilot and it also promises enhanced safety in case of motor failure, thanks to a built-in backup. Horizon Aircraft has stated that the aircraft is designed to primarily operate like an airplane.
