Home SCIENCE Cesium The Most Active And Unusual Metal On Earth

Cesium The Most Active And Unusual Metal On Earth


Cesium is an alkali metal which is located near the bottom of the periodic table of chemical elements.Only francium can be more active than cesium, but that metal is radioactive and only an insignificant Because of its high activity, metallic cesium is being stored in special ampoules under inert atmosphere of either argon or hydrogen.via: Thoisoi2 – Chemical Experiments!

source/image: Thoisoi2

Appearance wise, cesium has a yellowish tint, like gold, but the price for cesium is still higher than gold. Due to the extremely small sales market and its highest activity, price of cesium can reach over 100 euros per gram! The vial, which you see on the screen, is 50 grams of cesium.

Just imagine it’s cost. Cesium is unusual in that it has a very low melting point – only 29 degrees Celsius. If you take the vial of cesium in hand, you can see how quickly the metal begins to melt.


Furthermore, even while cesium is still in the vial, we can already conduct experiments with it. If you leave the liquid cesium in a vial for some time, it partially hardens, forming very beautiful crystals of pure cesium. For the first time on YouTube you can now observe cesium as it is being cut.
