Home WORLD Couple Built a Small Log Cabin From Scratch With 40 Trees

Couple Built a Small Log Cabin From Scratch With 40 Trees


The log cabin is about 600 square feet and has 3 floors. The main floor has a bathroom, kitchen, living and dining room, the second-floor loft has 2 bedrooms, and the third-floor attic is an artist studio for Noémie.

source.image: Exploring Alternatives

This couple built a small log cabin from scratch using trees from their land. Rémi and Noémie call themselves the Wildcrafters because they make everything by hand, including their homes.

source.image: Exploring Alternatives

They started off by building a tiny house with reclaimed materials and lived in it for around 5 years, and then they built this incredible tiny log cabin with a greenhouse attached and they live in it full time.


In addition to building their own home, the couple also plans to become more self-sufficient with their food production and have already started preparing large gardens as well as a greenhouse with raised beds and a rainwater collection tote. They have a well, they collect firewood from the land, they are connected to the province’s hydro electric grid, and they use a composting toilet and an outhouse.

The couple is thriving in their rural and remote lifestyle but they admit that it isn’t always easy. These projects are all a lot of work so they are trying to pace themselves after realizing they can’t make their dream a reality all at once. So they’re pacing themselves and developing patience.
