Home WORLD Custom 1950 Mercedes Ponton C63 AMG Engine

Custom 1950 Mercedes Ponton C63 AMG Engine


An incredible engine and chassis swap transform this Mercedes Ponton sedan from the 1950s into a truly incredible build, now with the iconic naturally aspirated 6.2-litre AMG V8 engine the power unit churns out 450 horsepower, built by London-based Xtreem Motors.

source.image: TFJJ

The Mercedes-Benz “Ponton” series are a range of sedans / saloon car models from Daimler-Benz, introduced starting in 1953, and subsequently nicknamed ‘Ponton’, referring to its ponton styling, a prominent styling trend that unified the previously articulated hood, body, fenders and runnings boards into a singular, often slab-sided envelope.

The robust construction and timeless design made the pontoon a real classic. The W 121 therefore holds a special place in automotive history as it continued the Mercedes legacy while at the same time doing pioneering work for future generations. But this monster from the pictures is different!


The interior is fully W204 C63 AMG, without the extra insulation and padding, no air bags either, there are red leather seats in there, AMG three-point harnesses, and an AMG steering wheel in leather with contrasting red stitching, while the door cards are exposed metal.This ghostly incarnation conceals a potent heart, grafting the classic structure onto a formidable W204 C63 AMG chassis.
