Home WORLD Custom 1964 Chevrolet Suburban

Custom 1964 Chevrolet Suburban


Covered in a green candy pearl color that it wears well. In this video I’m at the 2020 Grand National Roadster Show in Pomona Ca and I came across a very cool Suburban. I couldn’t find a lot of information on it. I don’t know the year or even if it is a Chevrolet or GMC. The one thing I can tell You about it. It is very cool.

source.image: ScottieDTV

The roof is like a coat of many colors several colors in a tasteful design surrounding the whole that is there. Not a sunroof but a whole that takes up a large portion of of the roof with a canvas that can be pulled over it when Your looking for a little less circulation or those rare times when it rains in Southern California. Very cool custom addition for sure.

The interior is all custom and done in a green and purple leather. The back is transparent so that you can see all the custom work on the underside of this Suburban from the 2020 Grans National Roadster Show. Wheels are always a personal choice and no on set will please everyone.


I’m cool with the ones they chose for this family cruiser from the Grand National Roadster Show. Under the hood more custom work and a very clean install. I can’t tell You what powers it. But I’m sure it will make enough power to cruise the Southern California coast. This truck is a example of why I like to visit the West coast. They have a different style than the East Coast and it always makes me smile.
