Home CRAFTS Custom Go-Kart Powered By Hydrogen Liquid Piston Rotary Engine

Custom Go-Kart Powered By Hydrogen Liquid Piston Rotary Engine


LiquidPiston has got its X-Engine to run on hydrogen, so the kart expells nothing but water. The X-Engine is said to be a next-generation rotary engine, igniting on all three points of the triangle – a Wankel engine like you’d find in a Mazda RX-8 only ignites on one side. It weighs just 2kg, whereas a petrol-powered go-kart typically has an engine weighing nine times that. To demonstrate the viability of hydrogen fuel powering the X-Engine, which has previously only been tested in the lab, the LiquidPiston team removed a go-kart’s traditional 39-pound engine and replaced it with the 4.5 lb X-Engine, which you can see in the embedded video.

source.image: Warped

The guys at Liquid Piston Mounted The Liquid Piston Rotary Engine on the Go-Kart and ran it on Hydrogen for the 1st Time, proving that the Liquid Piston Rotary is well suited for Hydrogen.

I also show a clip of the see-thru Liquid Piston Rotary Running on Hydrogen in Slow Motion to see what is happening inside this new revolutionary Rotary Engine While it’s running on Hydrogen and how it’s so much different than the Wankel Rotary Engine.I also show the original see-thru Mini Wankel Rotary that I built in Slow Motion for a comparision.


I cant wait to see where they go with the hydrogen-powered rotary, seeing as the only byproduct of burning hydrogen is air and water this is a fuel that just might carry us into the future, who knows but tell me what you think in the comments.
