Home Technology Electra Electric Short Takeoff And Landing Airplane

Electra Electric Short Takeoff And Landing Airplane


Electra Aero eSTOL is an electric short takeoff and landing aircraft designed for regional and urban air mobility. It features advanced electric propulsion, compact design, and the ability to operate from short runways. The nine-seat hybrid-electric short take-off and landing (eSTOL) commercial aircraft it is developing, which will be capable of flying at speeds of 200mph (320km/h) and up to distances of 500 miles (800km).

source.image: Electra

Our eSTOL aircraft uses our patented blown-lift technology to take off and land in spaces as small as 300x100ft, providing operational flexibility comparable to a helicopter, yet with the safety and economics of a fixed-wing aircraft.

The hybrid-electric propulsion system gives operators maximum flexibility to optimize the choice of energy use, with electric power for clean, quiet operations near populated areas, low to no fuel burn on shorter routes, and a hybrid mix to fly longer routes and comply with regulatory reserve requirements.


By blowing air over the wing and large flaps with an array of electric motors, our eSTOL multiplies the amount of lift the wing makes at very slow speeds. With this technique, we can take off and land at speeds as slow as 35mph, which only takes a few vehicle lengths to achieve. The key is in the accelerated airflow forming a thick jet sheet coming off of the trailing edge of the wing, making the wing act virtually larger than it physically is. In climb and cruise, we reduce blowing and stow the flaps for ultra-efficient operations.

Electra’s first flight of its technology demonstrator, a hybrid-electric, short takeoff and landing (eSTOL) aircraft. The two-seat technology demonstrator is the world’s first blown lift aircraft using distributed electric propulsion and a hybrid-electric propulsion system. The aircraft uses eight electric motors to significantly increase wing lift and enable ultra-short takeoffs and landings while dramatically reducing noise and emissions below those of conventional aircraft and helicopters. Hybrid-electric power provides long ranges without the need for ground-based charging stations.
