Home WORLD Empty Nest RV Life Truck Camper Tiny Living Tour

Empty Nest RV Life Truck Camper Tiny Living Tour


Join Patty and Shane for a unique look into their compact and efficient truck camper lifestyle in this latest YouTube video. Having downsized from a 3500 square foot home to a 400 square foot fifth wheel, and now to a cozy 100 square foot truck camper, they’ve optimized every inch of space while ensuring they have all the comforts of home. Their current setup includes a three-burner stove, an expandable tea kettle for pour-over coffee, and a deep sink equipped with a three-filter water purification system, ensuring they always have access to clean drinking water.

source.image: Tiny Home Tours

The couple has meticulously organized their living space to accommodate their daily needs, from a strategically hidden dehumidifier to combat moisture, to clever storage solutions using metal shelves for spices and essentials. Their kitchen doubles as a workspace and dining area, with each booth containing additional storage beneath.

Exploring the technical side, Shane discusses their 2018 Dodge Ram 3500, perfect for their lifestyle, especially with its enhanced ability to maneuver in tight spaces. This truck supports their adventurous life, easily carrying their necessities on a custom cargo rack, and features an on-demand water heater and dual power fridge, which runs on both propane and electricity.


The wet bath in the camper, though compact, is fully functional with inventive solutions for space and water conservation, such as a removable shower head that limits water flow to conserve resources while off-grid. In the bedroom, comfort is key; they’ve chosen a high-quality RV queen-size mattress and zippered bedding for ease of use. Storage solutions are cleverly integrated around the bed, including areas for clothing and other essentials. Outside, their truck camper is set up for off-grid living with a swing-away bike rack, outdoor cooking setup, and an innovative water and sewer system that allows for extended travel without the need for frequent stops.
