Home WORLD Family’s Stunning Debt Free Tiny House

Family’s Stunning Debt Free Tiny House


Selling a conventional home and going tiny has allowed this couple to become debt and mortgage free, which has had some dramatic effects on their lifestyle.

source/image(PrtSc): Living Big In A Tiny House

For Deb and Peter this decision was all about being able to be there for their family and focus on the things in life which are truly important.

In this episode we meet a beautiful young family who chose to sell their conventional home in the city, move to the country and build a tiny house, downsizing their home, but upsizing their quality of life!


The shared space with the kitchen makes this living room feel spacious. A sofa fits snugly against the wall and leaves enough space to walk through the room with ease.A custom staircase leads to a cozy but airy loft. Two windows make it a great spot to take in the views or read in the sunlight.Living Big In A Tiny House
