Home WORLD HondaJet APMG $4M Single Pilot Personal Jet From Honda

HondaJet APMG $4M Single Pilot Personal Jet From Honda


Embark on a journey of innovation and luxury with the HondaJet APMG, where every detail has been meticulously enhanced to redefine your flying experience.The HondaJet APMG elevates your travel possibilities by increasing the maximum takeoff weight to an impressive 10,700 pounds. Unleash the freedom to carry extra baggage without compromise, ensuring a seamless and indulgent journey for every passenger on board.

source.image: MojoGrip

With the HondaJet APMG upgrade package, experience a new level of efficiency with 440 fewer feet of required runway space compared to its predecessor. This, coupled with Steep Approach certification, opens the door to more airports worldwide, including iconic destinations like London City and Lugano Airport./MojoGrip

Pilots, rejoice! The upgraded avionics suite in the HondaJet APMG introduces advanced features for heightened situational awareness and increased safety. Navigate the skies with confidence and precision, ensuring a smooth and secure flight every time.Takeoff/Landing Distance (TOLD) Management takes the guesswork out of flight planning. The HondaJet APMG’s automated system computes V-speeds, climb/approach gradients, required runway length, and more, streamlining the pre-flight process for a more efficient and informed journey.


The APMG package takes aerodynamics to the next level by increasing the horizontal stabilizer’s span and removing wing fences. These thoughtful enhancements optimize the aircraft’s performance, providing an unmatched aerodynamic profile for a smoother and more efficient flight.The aircraft is powered by two GE Honda HF120 turbofans, developed with GE Aviation under the GE-Honda partnership.
