Home CRAFTS Making Invisible Bicycle Spokes Using Plexiglas

Making Invisible Bicycle Spokes Using Plexiglas


Youtuber The Q decided to make “invisible” wheels for his bicycle, by using Plexiglas. In today’s video I show you quite unusual idea – make bike with invisible wheels. Instead of regular spokes we put pvc glass. As result wheels looks like invisible inside.

source.image: The Q

It’s an incredibly streamlined ride—the final product looks like a giant pair of roving Harry Potter glasses. what The Q did was removed the spokes and replace them with a fairly thick PVC glass. The result is, as you can see, pretty impressive.

Building wheels from scratch is the best way to learn the craft of wheel truing to get the feel for how a wheel responds to spoke adjustments, but this time we are talking about unusual transparent bicycle wheels.


While an experienced wheelbuilder can build a wheel in well under an hour, a beginner should expect to spend several hours on the task. Building a wheel from scratch will solve the mystery for you once and for all.
