Home WORLD Nord Aviation N 500 Cadet Single-Seat VTOL Research Concept

Nord Aviation N 500 Cadet Single-Seat VTOL Research Concept


The Nord Aviation N 500 Cadet was a single-seat VTOL research aircraft built by Nord Aviation in 1967. In 1966, the French company Nord (later part of Aérospatiale) built two Cadets, each powered by two 317 shp Allison T63-A-5A engines.

source.image: Found And Explained

The Nord 500 Cadet was 22 ft long and 20 ft wide, weighed only 2,760 lb and used two relatively large five-bladed ducted propellers. Its mission was to evaluate principles of the Tilt Duct propulsion concept for VTOL aircraft.

The enclosed cabin contained an ejection seat. Two 317hp Allison T63-A-5A (or Allison T63-A5T, or 250-C18, depending on the source) turboshaft engines were located side by side in the rear part of the fuselage. They drove two 1.5m diameter props through interconnected shafts.


Engine: 2 x Allison T-63-A-5A turboshaft, rated at 233kW, wingspan: 6.1m, length: 6.6m, height: 3.1m, take-off weight: 1200kg, max speed: 350km/h. Directional control of the Nord 500 during vertical flight was done by small winglets attached to the bottom of each duct. During forward flight the aircraft was controlled using a conventional rudder/elevator tail setup.
