Home ENGINEERING Porsche’s 6-Stroke Engine Is Genius

Porsche’s 6-Stroke Engine Is Genius


Porsche Has Patented A Completely New Engine Design – Six-Stroke Cycle! Porsche has patented a revolutionary new engine with a six-stroke combustion cycle.

source.image: Engineering Explained

Essentially, the engine is combining both a two-stroke and four-stroke engine into one, taking the individual advantages from each.

In this video we’ll deep dive into the engine cycle, how it works, what the differences are versus four-stroke engines, and what the advantages and disadvantages are.


Porsche’s six strokes include the four familiar ones: intake, compression, power, and exhaust. But it inserts an additional compression and power stroke in the middle following the first power stroke to create a 1080-degree combustion cycle. Hopefully we see the engine land in a production car, as it’s unique firing interval will likely sound incredible.
