Home Technology Self Built Electric Rocket Engine ArcJet

Self Built Electric Rocket Engine ArcJet


This project explores electrothermal propulsion mechanism known as an ArcJet. I was able to build three ArcJet prototypes of increasing efficiency using various power sources and nozzle designs.

source.image: Ayden Wardell Aerospace

Although no match for commercial propulsion alternatives, my home made thrusters were still able to improve their efficiency by using an electrical arc for electrothermal heating. Watch the video from Ayden Wardell Aerospace

An arcjet rocket or arcjet thruster is a form of electrically powered spacecraft propulsion, in which an electrical discharge (arc) is created in a flow of propellant (typically hydrazine or ammonia). This imparts additional energy to the propellant, so that one can extract more work out of each kilogram of propellant, at the expense of increased power consumption and higher cost.


Also, the thrust levels available from typically used arcjet engines are very low compared with chemical engines. When the energy is available, arcjets are well suited to keeping stations in orbit and can replace monopropellant rockets. Disclaimer: This project is done by a professional, DON’T TRY THIS AT HOME.
