Home WORLD Solar Airship One Will Fly Non Stop Around the World for 20...

Solar Airship One Will Fly Non Stop Around the World for 20 Days


Solar Airship One is a whale shaped aircraft set to fly over 25 countries for 20 days without stopping using solar power and hydrogen. The solar airship is expected to take off in 2026. A non-stop round-the-world tour from West to East flying close to the equator: more than 40,000 km to cover in 20 days at an average altitude of 6,000 meters!

source.image: Global Update

Throughout history, all great dreams have been considered impossible until they were accomplished. Behind each feat, explorers have invented the future by going beyond the boundaries of our certainties. They challenged the rules, and questioned the received ideas to discover new solutions.

40,000 km WITHOUT STOPPING. Developed by EURO AIRSHIP, this solar airship is able to fly without any noise, without fossil fuel, without carbon emissions, or without heavy infrastructure on the ground. This is the meaning of the SOLAR AIRSHIP ONE project which launches an extraordinary challenge: the first non-stop round-the-world flight without fuel.


The aircraft, powered by solar and hydrogen, is expected to be 151 meters long with a rigid airship and a helium expansion volume of 53,000 m3. Almost its entire surface will be covered with 4,800 m2 of solar film to fully capture sunlight. Euro Airship is set to make the aircraft autonomous too by ensuring that it will not need any heavy infrastructure on the ground to be secured. To make it steady or ballasted, a classic water-based system and a second compressed-air-based system will be developed.
