Home WORLD Spring Powered Super Wheel Weight To Energy Conversion

Spring Powered Super Wheel Weight To Energy Conversion


Ireland based startup SuperWheel, founded by Simon Chan, has launched a new spring-powered bicycle wheel which he calls The Superwheel. Superwheel is a bicycle wheel with a built-in power assistance system, using our patent pending (WTECT) ‘Weight (mass) to energy conversion technology, transform the user’s weight to turning power during rotation to improve cycling efficiency.

source.image: superwheelsystem

Cycling has never been easier now with Superwheel, Not only is it power assisted but it is also powered by weight. No battery needed and no range limit, making your journey a lot more effortless and environmentally friendly. Superwheel suits all cyclists and their bicycle as our wheel is easily attachable to all sorts of bikes old or new in a matter of minutes.

source.image: superwheelsystem

SuperWheel is the practical and convenient alternative to the electric power assistance. Whether you are a city commuter or simply for recreational use, the SuperWheel provides you with the additional power for easy cycling and allow you to enjoy cycling without the hard work.


Transform your bike to a high performance bicycle with Super Wheel and experience the freedom of Easy Cycling without the range and speed limit of an electric bike. This is the new way of pedal assistance without a battery.

The SuperWheel transforms weight and Ground reactive forces to rotational energy, providing unlimited range of power assistance for cycling. The SuperWheel is a revolutionary bicycle wheel that promises to improve cycling efficiency

Testing trial in France, Ireland and Hong Kong in 2022 showed that the system provided over 33% efficiency improvement when used on a standard bike, and substantially increased the range from 90km to 169km when cycling at 23 to 24kmh with a single charged 520WH battery on a testing trial in France.
