Home WORLD Stealth Defiant X Next Generation Helicopter

Stealth Defiant X Next Generation Helicopter


Exciting Times for Army Aviation! In this video, we dive into the groundbreaking details of the recently revealed Defiant X, the advanced compound helicopter vying for the U.S. Army’s Future Long-Range Assault Aircraft (FLRAA) contract. Developed by Sikorsky/Lockheed Martin and Boeing, the Defiant X promises to revolutionize the way the Army meets threats in 2035 and beyond.

source.image(PrtSc): Outer Space News

Key Features: Developed on the experience of the Defiant, the Defiant X boasts two rigid coaxial rotors and a pusher propeller for high-speed capabilities. Achieved a speed of 211 knots in straight-and-level flight, setting the stage for speeds exceeding 250 knots, meeting the U.S. Army’s desired criteria.

Twice the range and speed of the UH-60 Black Hawk, positioning it as “the fastest, most maneuverable and most survivable assault helicopter in history.” Purpose-built for a modernized Army, providing expanded reach, survivability, and lethality in a multi-domain battle space. A new engine, the Future Affordable Turbine Engine (FATE), is to meet the radius requirement of 424 km.


Compared to conventional helicopters, the counter-rotating coaxial main rotors and pusher propeller offer a 343 km/h speed increase, a 60% combat radius extension, and 50% better performance in high-hot hover operations. Design Enhancements: Improved aerodynamics with a refined shape and a new angled nose. Reduced thermal signature with a redesigned exhaust system. New front landing gear and transformed tricycle landing gear configuration for enhanced stability.
