In the subtropical far north of New Zealand, James and Leonie have created a truly breathtaking off-grid tiny home surrounded by simply spectacular food forest gardens combining both syntropic and permaculture principles. Crafted with beautiful timbers, brilliant spatial design, and creative flair, this DIY-built home is a testament to craftsmanship and sustainable living.
source.image: Living Big In A Tiny House
Beyond the home itself, James and Leonie have cultivated an extraordinary small-scale syntropic food forest. Syntropic agroforestry is a regenerative agroforestry system that mimics natural ecosystems to produce abundant food while restoring soil health and biodiversity. Unlike conventional farming, syntropic agriculture works with nature rather than against it, creating a thriving, self-sustaining environment.
Alongside this, the couple also integrates annual permaculture plantings, making their property a model for sustainable food production. James has even launched a business helping others plan and implement their own syntropic food forest gardens.
Their tiny house journey didn’t begin here—before building this home, they lived in a van while traveling, followed by a house truck. Now, after three years in their beautifully crafted tiny home and growing their thriving food forest, they are preparing for an exciting new chapter: welcoming a baby! It will be fascinating to see how their home and lifestyle evolve to accommodate a growing family.