Home WORLD Tiny Home On Foundation With 3 Bedrooms And a Roomy Bathroom

Tiny Home On Foundation With 3 Bedrooms And a Roomy Bathroom


Mike is a music-driven man and talented artist that has his incredible paintings hung throughout this beautiful tiny home.

source/image(PrtSc): Tiny Home Tours

You’ll notice bright green plants occupy most of his peaceful space, lit by the massive windows letting in natural lighting. The ambiance of his home matches his kind and welcoming vibe. Watch the video from Tiny Home Tours for more info:

This tiny house has two lofts. Although both can host guests, one is primarily for meditation, and the other for Mr.Grey the cat. There’s a quaint kitchen, large bathroom, and perfectly sized bedroom.


Mike designed his space for socialization and comfort with personal intention in mind. The exterior of this tiny wooden home is surrounded by trees, flowers, and a garden that flourishes in the summer./Tiny Home Tours
