Home WORLD Tree House In France The Ultimate Retirement Project

Tree House In France The Ultimate Retirement Project


As children, so many of us dream of building tree houses. There’s something about being high up amongst the trees which can feel both safe and adventurous and this week we meet a remarkable man who has build a dream home in the trees as an ambitious retirement project.

source/image(PrtSc): Living Big In A Tiny House

John’s amazing creation, situated in the beautiful French countryside, is packed full of incredible features, including one particular item I never thought I’d see in a treehouse!

So much love and craftsmanship has gone into making this treehouse a reality. We hope you enjoy the full video tour of this incredible tiny house in the trees.


A tree house, tree fort or treeshed is a platform or building constructed around, next to or among the trunk or branches of one or more mature trees while above ground level. Tree houses can be used for recreation, work space, habitation, a hangout space and observation.
