Home Technology Waveline Magnet Concept Converting Energy From The Sea Waves

Waveline Magnet Concept Converting Energy From The Sea Waves


The Waveline Magnet is a wave energy converter (WEC), converting energy from the sea waves.Swel (Sea Wave Energy Limited) claims that a single Waveline Magnet device, scaled to suit the wave climate at EMEC, would satisfy more than the hubs current grid-connection capabilities.

source/image(PrtSc): Sea Wave Energy Ltd – SWEL

A Raw mechanical power output down to 1p/kWh crushing the wave industry reference value, putting the technology in its full capability on par with fossil fuels.

SWEL claims that a single Waveline Magnet device, scaled to suit the wave climate at EMEC, would satisfy more than the hubs current grid-connection capabilities.


SWEL has developed and tested their devices in wave tanks and live sea environment. The R&D indicates that even in its current development state, the Waveline Magnet can produce substantial power levels at an exceptionally low cost, competing even with non-renewable sources.
