Home WORLD Wood Carving a Unique BMW X6 Model

Wood Carving a Unique BMW X6 Model


This video is an impressive creative journey, as the artisan crafts a BMW X6 entirely from wood. From selecting materials to the sculpting and finishing process, each step is executed with precision and meticulousness. Thus, the video serves not only as a testament to the exquisite art of woodworking but also as a marvel of creativity.

source.image: Woodworking Art

Woodworking Art’s obsession to nail every little detail makes the X6 a true work of art, with the downscaled vehicle featuring springs for the suspension, the iconic BMW front-grille, a small, adorable digital display, rims for the wheels, and so on.Just like the real thing, the wooden 2022 BMW X6 has a pair of stacked exhaust tips at each corner of the bumper.

The artist picks up a block of wood that matches with the dimensions of the printout the artist had taken earlier. He then cuts the wood into three pieces which would be used for making the front, side profile, and rear of the SORENTO carving.


It is not only the fuzzy and tall chassis that has been redesigned from wood, but also the dashboard and even the engine compartment. Every little detail is carefully replicated on a much smaller scale, from the windshield wipers to the radar sensor. Not only does he pay great attention to the design details of the vehicles he recreates, but he also ensures that these wooden masterpieces are fully functional, mimicking the original vehicles as closely as possible.
