Home WORLD 16 Ways To Make Your Home Impenetrable To Burglars

16 Ways To Make Your Home Impenetrable To Burglars


Being the victim of a break-in is something that no one should ever have to endure.The sad fact of the matter is that over 80 percent of break-ins and burglaries could have easily been prevented with some simple and inexpensive safeguards.

In fact, most of the more expensive home security solutions are often not worth the cost as cheaper alternatives can be just as effective. These handy tips are sure to give you a better piece of mind while also being easy on the wallet.

1. Locks should never be viewed as completely secure. A SimLOCK can come in handy when securing deadbolts.

The Family Handyman

2. Motion detector lights like these can be a great deterrent to thieves trying to remain hidden.


3. Always make sure that your door jamb is reinforced properly.

The Family Handyman

4. Patio doors are a potential weak spot. You can install an extra foot lock like The Door Guardian to make it more secure.

The Family Handyman

These handy tips are sure to give you a better piece of mind while also being easy on the wallet.


5. Make sure that your windows have an alarm attached to them in addition to any doors.

The Family Handyman

6. This door stop is great for signaling the location of an intruder in your home. Simply put the stop in doorways inside your home and you will know where they are more easily.


7. If you don’t need to use your garage side door, consider reinforcing it shut.

The Family Handyman

8. Always have a small safe to keep valuables protected from burglars and fire.


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