Home CRAFTS How to Make Homemade Dried Fruit – DIY Solar Dehydrator

How to Make Homemade Dried Fruit – DIY Solar Dehydrator


This is a solar food dehydrator that we use for our apples, peaches, and bananas. On a full sunny day, it can complete a few racks of fruit but usually we like to give it two days.I stated that it uses 2×3’s for the frame but it’s actually 2×4’s.

source/image: Bigelow Brook Farm (Web4Deb)

There is no need to throw away fruits and veggies if you haven’t had the time to eat them all. Whether purchased from a grocery store, or they came from your garden – throw them in the dehydrator and enjoy them later!

Removing moisture from food and dehydrating it is one of the best ways to preserve food to use in the future. Of course you you can purchase dehydrators, but they’re really simple and cost-effective to make. If you have lots of produce to dehydrate, you’ll also appreciate making a larger sized dehydrator to get the work done more quickly.


Actually, most things can be dehydrated. It involves removing the moisture from food items to preserve them.

Here’s a list of things that can be dehydrated:

  • Herbs – All herbs can be dehydrated and saved for later use. I have dehydrated my mints (see more on mints here), basil, rosemary and more.
  • Wildcrafted herbs – Plantain, cleavers, clover and yarrow are some of my favorites right now.
  • Fruits – Blueberries will be ready soon, as will raspberries and blackberries. Try peaches and apples later in the season. Brush with a lemon juice or a salt water solution to prevent browning during the dehydration process.
  • Vegetables – I dehydrate carrots, celery and even potatoes for soups and stews. This year I’ll be doing sweet potatoes and sunchokes.