Home WORLD There Are Only 100 of these Antelopes Left in the Wild

There Are Only 100 of these Antelopes Left in the Wild


This chestnut-and-white-striped antelope is an eastern bongo. Fairly large in size, eastern bongos can weigh between 500 and 900 pounds with horns as long as 40 inches in length.

source/image: Great Big Story

Despite their size, they are timid creatures, most active during twilight when they graze on leaves and bushes.

Bongos are one of the largest of the forest antelopes. In addition to the deep chestnut colour of their coats, they have bright white stripes on their sides to help with camouflage.


Due to hunting and destruction of their natural habitats, they are well below the critically endangered threshold, with only around 100 bongos left in the wild.
