Home CRAFTS Japanese Man Made a Functional Kitchen Knife Out Of Food Plastic Wrap

Japanese Man Made a Functional Kitchen Knife Out Of Food Plastic Wrap


Japan’s most resourceful knife-maker Kiwami Japan is back with a new DIY project that uses food plastic wrap instead of metal to fashion a kitchen knife that not only looks like it came from a high-end kitchenwares store, it also cuts like it, too.

source/image: kiwami japan

You can already find plastic knives in stores, but those are mostly nylon, whereas food wraps are typically made from PVC.

After some filing, polishing and finishing touches, the unusually knife made plastic wrap was completed. It even looks indistinguishable from a regular store knife.


I’m not sure how the long the blade will stay sharp, but pretty badass either way!As long as you’ve got a roll of Plastic Wrap on hand, and some unmatched knife-making skills, it’s good to know that plastic wrap can do the job after a little bit of processing.
