Home SCIENCE 10KW Free Power Generator With Microwave Parts

10KW Free Power Generator With Microwave Parts


By turning the small microwave motor we generate a 220v single-phase current that feeds the motor stator.

source.image: The Liberty Engine Project

In turn, the motor stator generates a rotating magnetic field that is transmitted through the metal bar to the coils of the microwave transformers. Video project by The Liberty Engine Project:

These coils generate 220vAC, and also have microwave magnets that help amplify the current flow.


The two coils of the transformers are connected in parallel with each other and also in parallel with the motor stator and with the sockets, so that they continue to feed back into the circuit and we can use the excess current that is generated…Disclaimer: This experiment is done by a professional on a controlled environment, please don’t try this at home, electricity is dangerous.
