Home ENGINEERING 5-Star Eco Floating Hotel That Generates Its Own Power

5-Star Eco Floating Hotel That Generates Its Own Power


The Eco-Floating Hotel by hayri atak architectural design studio is a project whose first leg is planned to take place in Qatar but it also has the potential to be located in different areas thanks to its characteristic mobile feature. As HAADS, our team has studied the project with various opinions and technical knowledge from many different disciplines and visions.

source/images courtesy: hayriatak

This project, which started working on it in March 2020 and lasted 6 months, adopts the motto of minimum energy loss and zero waste as a principle according to the design approach it has put forward. Due to its characteristic moving feature it generates electrical energy by rotating around its position according to the water Current and provides users with different perspective experiences.

source/images courtesy: hayriatak

Created as a 5 – Star Hotel, The Eco-Floating Hotel has a construction area of 35000 m2 and a total of 152 rooms.The eco-floating hotel is inspired by the sea with which it is associated in the first degree in terms of form and design principle.

source/images courtesy: hayriatak

At this point, it is worth to mention that the project will work efficiently in areas where there is a continuous and certain Current.


If it is accepted that the water formed and disappeared by itself forming a rotation around itself in a regular Current and the shape is considered to have risen with its borders and evolved into a platform, it will give a transparent mass silhouette. It was this image that fed and supported the project.

source/images courtesy: hayriatak

The Floating Hotel which has 3 different entrances aims to provide access from land at any time of the day thanks to the 140-degree pier that surrounds itself.25 kW of electrical energy can be obtained from each of the 55 vawtau modules. Vawtau uses wind Current caused by temperature difference in sea and land as its working principle.

source/images courtesy: hayriatak

In a project aimed at maximum benefit to ecological balance, the element used in terms of green energy production is called vawtau (vertical axis wind turbine and umbrella) which works as a wind turbine on the vertical axis and it has a function as a sun umbrella on the coastal band./via/read more: hayriatak
