Home Technology Aeromine Motionless Wind Turbine 50% More Efficent

Aeromine Motionless Wind Turbine 50% More Efficent


Aeromine’s patented innovative solution generates more power than other sustainable energy options at the same or lower cost.et current rooftop options, such as solar panels and legacy small wind turbines, are limited in how much energy they can produce, require large footprints, and have relatively short life cycles.

source.image: aerominetechnologies

Aeromine’s innovative solution generates up to 50% more power than equivalent solar solutions harvesting the best performing renewable energy source available.Aeromine performs under the most extreme weather conditions and produces power when energy demand is greatest.

source.image: aerominetechnologies

Aeromine’s patented aerodynamic design captures and amplifies building airflow in wind speeds as low as 5 m.p.h., similar to the airfoils on a race car. Unlike turbines that require rotating rotor blades and many moving parts, making them prone to maintenance issues, the motionless and durable Aeromine solution generates more energy in less space.


A single Aeromine unit provides the same amount of power as up to 16 solar panels. The system is designed for large buildings with flat rooftops such as industrial warehouses, data centers, corporate offices, and apartment buildings.

source.image: aerominetechnologies

Aeromine is designed for installation on buildings with large flat rooftops such as :Warehouses and Distribution Centers,Manufacturing Facilities,Office Buildings,Multi-Family Residential Developments,Big Box Retail.An Aeromine system consists of 20 to 40 units installed on the edge of a building facing the predominant wind direction.
