Home WORLD Building a Tiled Roof Hut In The Bush By Using Only Primitive...

Building a Tiled Roof Hut In The Bush By Using Only Primitive Tools & Materials


To cut and carve wood I used the celt stone axe and stone chisel made in this video. To carry water and make fire I used pots and fire sticks made in this video. Finally, to store fire wood and dry, unfired tiles, I used the wood shed built in this video. The wooden frame was built with a 2X2m floor plan and a 2m tall ridge line with 1m tall side walls.

source/image: Primitive Technology

6 posts were put into the ground 0.25 m deep. The 3 horizontal roof beams were attached to these using mortise and tenon joints carved with a stone chisel. The rest of the frame was lashed together with lawyer cane strips. The frame swayed a little when pushed so later triangular bracing was added to stop this.read more(Primitive Technology)

Also when the mud wall was built, it enveloped the posts and stopped them moving altogether.The fired tiles were then hooked over the horizontal roof battens.An underfloor heating system was built into one side of the hut to act as a sitting/sleeping platform in cold weather.


This was inspired by the Korean Ondol or “hot stone”. A trench was dug and covered with flat stones with a firebox at one end and a chimney at the other for draft. The wall was made of clayey mud and stone. A stone footing was laid down and over this a wall of mud was built. To save on mud, stones were included into later wall courses. The whole project took 102 days but would have taken 66 days were it not for unseasonal rain.read more(Primitive Technology)
