Home WORLD Byron Bay Australia World’s First Solar Powered Train

Byron Bay Australia World’s First Solar Powered Train


This is the worlds first Solar Powered Train, it made its first 6 km round trip, between the town of Byron Bay and North Beach in NSW Australia, making it the world’s first solar powered train, December 2017.

source.image: Wonder World

The Byron Bay Railroad Company, searched the country and found a dilapidated vintage1949-built 600 class train, called a ‘red rattler’, and spent $4 million dollars to restore it and get it up and running, including another $1.8 million dollars on restoring the 3km disused rail line, Plus a further $1 million dollars was spent on the train shed and two platforms at each end.

On its roof, the train boasts 6 kW of custom-made flexible solar panels, and are backed up by 77 kWh of battery storage, which has taken the place of one of the train’s two original diesel engines.


The train only uses about 4kwh for each one way trip, and has been able to make 16 trips, and only use 25% of its on board battery power, without any top up charging. The train can also recharge while stopped at each station, which are also equipped with solar panels on the roofs.
