Designed by owners Samara and James in collaboration with Samara’s father, famed house designer Frank Macchia, this home is an absolute masterpiece. It’s separated into three different units, a bathroom, kitchen-dining and bedroom each with a modicum of separation which provides connection to the outdoors. This tiny house breaks all the rules in the most brilliant ways.

Absolutely filled with tiny house taboos, this home is nothing short of spectacular. All zones of the home are connected with a living ritual, be it that of cooking, eating, sleeping or washing. Every space is intentional and well thought out.
Beyond the tiny house itself, Samara and James live on a property together with extended family, bringing together the best elements of multigenerational living and showing why this is a concept that should no longer be shunned by the west.
When visiting this home, the word that came to mind to describe it was elemental. Solid, earthy materials are used in both the homes construction and the surrounding landscaping which help to further connect the house to the earth which surrounds it.