What you see here is a hydrostatic twin turbo all-wheel-drive diesel motorcycle custom-built from the ground up.With rims from a Camry, a p-trap from a sink, a diesel motor from a cement mixer, this hodgepodge motorcycle is one badass diesel custom.

The bike is powered by a 840cc 20hp direct injection V-twin diesel engine. All this is complemented with 2 RHB31 turbochargers.The bike measures at a staggering 11-feet and 3-inches, complete with two 2.5 gallon air tanks, a Jerrycans that serves as a fuel tank, an 5.56mm ammo box converted into a battery case.

First of all, the video you’re going to see below is not a part from an action movie, it is the reality itself. In this very enjoyable video the recent creation of Sam Turner is demonstrated in detail.Top speed is an incredible 98 miles per hour. No word on horsepower or torque, but since this is a diesel I assume the latter value is at least a three or four-digit number.
A hydrostatic setup where the wheels are turned by hydraulic hub motors, receiving power from a hydraulic gear pump from a salt spreader and a displacement gear pump from a log splitter.
A pair of 2,500-pound Airmaxx airbags, controlled by a custom-leveling system that gives the suspension nearly a foot of travel.The suspension is an air bag setup and is adjustable for ride height. Pulling up to his destinations the owner can just drop this thing to the ground and walk away, no kick stand necessary.