Home WORLD Eggs Freeze In Mid-Air In Minnesota Cold , -27 Degrees Fahrenheit

Eggs Freeze In Mid-Air In Minnesota Cold , -27 Degrees Fahrenheit


Will it be more popular than the Instagram Egg? Minnesota, it’s so cold that…eggs freeze mid-air. This is what happens to eggs when you put them outside in Minnesota when it’s -27 degrees Fahrenheit. How to crack a frozen egg experiment.

source/image(PrtSc): Minnesota Cold

Under -27 degrees Fahrenheit, there’s no doubt that anything liquidy will freeze in temperatures like this.Like everything else that goes outside during the polar vortex, the eggs freeze.Watch the video from Minnesota Cold for more info:

But the result is still super interesting to see considering egg experiments usually take place on extremely hot days and result in fried eggs.


The wind in Minnesota often seems to blow in directly from the North Pole. When the wind is blowing, it can turn an otherwise bearable day into an unbearably cold one. If there are high winds on a cold day, the windchill factor can make the temperature 20F colder.
