Home SCIENCE GR-1 Revolutionary General-Purpose Humanoid Robot

GR-1 Revolutionary General-Purpose Humanoid Robot


Discover the future of robotics with Fourier Intelligence’s GR-1, the revolutionary general-purpose humanoid robot. Witness a new era of technological advancement as GR-1 redefines what’s possible in robotics.

source.image: Fourier Intelligence-Robotics

Embodied AI combines AI technology with physical robots, providing a controllable, perceptible, interactive, and mobile body. Fourier GR-1 offers scalability for validating various AI models and algorithms, with significant potential in industrial, rehabilitation, home, and research applications.

The height of GR-1 is 165 cm with a mass of 55 kg, the maximum walking speed of the robot is 5 km/h. For movement, the car uses electric drives that provide 40 degrees of freedom, which is comparable to competitors in the face of Figure 01 and Tesla Optimus.


The GR-1 electric motors are quite powerful – the largest one produces a torque of 300 Nm. GR-1 promises to lift up to 50 kg, that is, almost its own weight. Fourier Intelligence asserts that the GR-1 could be employed in tasks such as transporting immobile patients between beds and wheelchairs, serving as a caregiver, or providing therapy assistance.
