Home Technology 3D Animation Gyro X Two-Wheeled Self Balancing Car Working Principle

3D Animation Gyro X Two-Wheeled Self Balancing Car Working Principle


The Gyro-X car it’s a 2-wheeled prototype able to stay and drive perfectly balanced thanks to a gyroscope 55 cm in diameter fitted in the front.This is a car from the 1960s that never made it to production.

source/image(PrtSc): Jared Owen

The prototype proved that a self balancing gyroscope car could work, but it was still years away from completion. Sadly the company went bankrupt before it could be finished.

The Lane Motor Museum purchased the run down prototype car and restored it to it’s original condition.The gyroscope is the key to how it works – it uses something called gyroscopic precession which can be tricky to understand. This video explains the car and the mechanism inside.


The Gyro X car could reach a top speed of 201 km/h with only an 80-horsepower Mini Cooper engine mounted in the back, and could swoop through 40-degree banked turns without tipping. It weighed in at 839kg measured 119 cm in height, just 107 cm in width, and 4.7 meters in length.Jared Owen
