Home WORLD International Space Station Working Principle 3D Animaiton

International Space Station Working Principle 3D Animaiton


The International Space Station is the largest man made object in space. It was built in pieces and then launched into space and assembled in orbit. In this video we’ll go over some background about the station and then walk through each module in the order that it was assembled.The ISS contains a vast array of interconnected airlocks, docking ports and pressurized modules.In this article, we’ll look at the parts of the ISS, how it maintains a permanent environment for humans in space, how it’s powered, what it’s like to live and work on the ISS.

source: nasa /image: Jared Owen

The International Space Station is a large spacecraft in orbit around Earth. It serves as a home where crews of astronauts and cosmonauts live. The space station is also a unique science laboratory. Several nations worked together to build and use the space station. The space station is made of parts that were assembled in space by astronauts. It orbits Earth at an average altitude of approximately 250 miles. It travels at 17,500 mph.

In addition to the laboratories where astronauts conduct science research, the space station has many other parts.They also provided living areas for crew members. Modules called “nodes” connect parts of the station to each other.Stretching out to the sides of the space station are the solar arrays. These arrays collect energy from the sun to provide electrical power.


Robotic arms are mounted outside the space station.Those arms also can move astronauts around when they go on spacewalks outside. Other arms operate science experiments.Astronauts can go on spacewalks through airlocks that open to the outside. Docking ports allow other spacecraft to connect to the space station. New crews and visitors arrive through the ports.
