Home WORLD Karlmann King World’s Most Expensive SUV

Karlmann King World’s Most Expensive SUV


BE PREPARED to spend big to own a Karlmann King – the world’s most expensive SUV. With a starting price tag of over $1M, the monster-sized vehicle can even come provided with an optional bullet proof exterior.

source.image: Barcroft Cars

Intentionally designed asymmetrical, the sport utility vehicle has what the creator calls the ‘diamond design’. Designer Luciano D’Ambrosio says inspiration was drawn from the Batmobile that featured in The Dark Knight trilogy.

The price starts at $1.85 million, for the standard version. It is the most expensive SUV in the world. It features a 6.8-liter V10 engine which produced 398 horsepower. However, because the Karlmann King weighs an abnormally-heavy 10,580 pounds (Without armor), its top speed is a mere 87 mph. The car features optional bullet proofing.


Other features include independent air conditioning for the front and rear, a coffee machine, neon sky lighting, a flat-screen TV, electric tables, air purification, a bar, a laptop and a fridge. All of the electric features can be controlled via an in and out-car app or a built-in control panel.
