Home WORLD Manta Ray Uncrewed Underwater Drone

Manta Ray Uncrewed Underwater Drone


Explore the cutting-edge technology that powers Manta Ray, the first-of-its-kind uncrewed underwater vehicle. Named after the large, winged fish, the Manta Ray is designed for long-range, long-duration missions in ocean areas inaccessible to humans.

source.image: Northrop Grumman

The unique full-scale demonstration vehicle features several innovative design elements in line with DARPA’s goal of delivering breakthrough technology for strategic advantages.

Manta Ray is: Payload-capable to support a variety of missions. Autonomous, without the need for on-site human logistics. Energy-saving, with the ability to anchor to the seafloor and hibernate in a low-power state. Modular, for easy shipment in five standard shipping containers to support expeditionary deployment and in-field assembly world-wide.


Not a lot has been released about Manta Ray. Even though its dimensions are hush hush, the vehicle is supposed to be long-range and large-scale. The Manta Ray prototype, recently underwent comprehensive full-scale testing off the coast of Southern California during February and March 2024.
