Home WORLD Payload Capacity Testing Filling Aluminum Truck Bed with 13,000LBS Of Concrete

Payload Capacity Testing Filling Aluminum Truck Bed with 13,000LBS Of Concrete


For some reason people are under the impression that aluminum trucks are weak and can’t be put to work. Today we prove them all wrong and then some.

source/image(PrtSc): WhistlinDiesel

Introducing the new DOUBLE PAYLOAD CAPACITY load rating. This is concrete evidence that aluminum trucks can handle huge amounts of weight.

The idea of this video from WhistlinDiesel video is to load the bed to the maximum weight possible to his Ford Super Duty Pickup. For those who dont know, the entire concept behind WhistlinDiesel youtube channel is pure destruction.Instead, we check out the most destructive process possible as it’s filled with 13,000 lbs of concrete.


This accounts for twice the max payload of the truck.The suspension also seems to have taken quite the beating.The weight of concrete is determined by its density, which can vary based on the amount of aggregate, water, and air in the mix. The weight of concrete is approximately 150 pounds per cubic foot, or 4,050 pounds per cubic yard.
