Home Technology SHANE Two-Wheeled Electric Car Concept

SHANE Two-Wheeled Electric Car Concept


SHANE features large wheels that minimize rolling resistance and in-wheel regenerative shocks that save damping energy to recharge the battery.Parallel wheels automatically react relative to the car body to keep the car in perfect balance, even at high speeds.

source.image: Shane Chen/inventist

Created by Shane Chen,intended to be practical and efficient for everyday urban and highway use, SHANE embraces the laws of physics within a forward-thinking approach to create a futuristic driving experience for motorists, today.

source.image: Shane Chen/inventist

SHANE’s shifting center of gravity relative to the wheels counters the driving and braking torque to keep the car level, making it as stable and safe as being on four wheels.

source.image: Shane Chen/inventist

Gone is the complicated front wheel steering system. Instead, maneuverability and parking is easy with SHANE thanks to two wheel differential speed control.Full autonomy would make SHANE perfect both as a personal vehicle and as a shuttle for the daily commute.


It also pushes its timeline farther into the future since technology for autonomous driving is now barely scraping Level 3 autonomy, with two more after this one to go.

The novel concept – whereby the wheels automatically react relative to the car body to keep the car in perfect balance – means the car can safely travel at high speeds, a capability that has not been previously possible.
