Home Technology Solo Female Travel Taylor Swift Inspired Camper Van

Solo Female Travel Taylor Swift Inspired Camper Van


Long time Taylor Swift fan, Tory, was watching Taylor perform during the Reputation tour, when she had an epiphany about what she wanted her life to look like.

source.image(PrtSc): Tiny Home Tours

That night she left the concert feeling inspired to create a change and was serendipitously forced to sleep in her car to avoid the post concert traffic. When Tory awoke, she realized the freedom car camping gave her to explore & so began her journey to vanlife.

Her van features a small sink, removable cook top, a full sized closet, a bench seat, and a five foot pull out table.


In addition to functionality, it should come as no surprise that there is Taylor Swift inspiration throughout all of the decor in her van, from the pink ceiling to the hand painted ukulele.
